4/17 – Annual Breakfast “Hail Ride” to Pecatonica, IL

4/17 – Annual Breakfast “Hail Ride” to Pecatonica, IL

Saturday Breakfast Ride - Dubbed the Annual Hail Ride

NO - we do not hope for hail! We prefer sun for our breakfast rides. And usually we have sun!
This April ride has become our traditional kick off for the season.  And yes, one year- 2014 - it hailed!  And yes, we still ate breakfast.
For 2021, for those who want to ride to the Stonewall Cafe in Pecatonica together:
  • Be at Veteran's Acres Parking Lot, 431 Walkup Road, Crystal Lake by 7:30 a.m.
  • Kickstands up by 7:45 a.m. sharp.
  • Arrive at Stonewall Cafe around 9 am.
  • Click HERE to download a GPX file route
  • It's around 60 miles
  • 423 Main St. Pecatonica, IL.
  • Dine in.
  • Ride home on your own.

You can ride there on your own as well, if you prefer, and just meet the group.

Planning on coming? RSVP through Eventbrite Link below so we get a count.
This is a Pay on your Own event.
If you want to see a video of the infamous Hail Ride of 2014, Click Here.