BMW MOA Ride Map App by Tourstart

BMW MOA Ride Map App by Tourstart

If you love to track, create and share ride maps with friends, the new BMW MOA Ride Map App is for you. Created by Tourstart, the BMW MOA Ride Map app allows BMW MOA members to track and create ride routes, share rides with other users, insert waypoints and pictures, and add descriptions about places to stop or things to do along the route. You can even download maps as .pdf files with points of interest along the route.

The WEB VERSION is available on any desktop browser, along with applications for Apple and Android devices. The Tourstart service is free for planning, sharing and tracking rides. Users may also subscribe to premium “Pro” features that enable in-app navigation or GPS file downloads in a variety of formats. Each Pro feature is available separately for $19 per year for BMW MOA members.

Visit the BMW MOA CLUB PAGE to download the mobile apps mobile or by search BMW MOA in the Apple or Android store. Users can also visit the BMW MOA WEBSITE for latest Ride Map App news and details. And, for a great “behind the scenes” interview of the app creator Jan Pederson, listen to Wes Fleming’s podcast “200 Miles Before Breakfast” at Wes and Jan dive deep into the inner workings of the navigation app and what users should expect.