Chasing the Devil, Sundance Kid and Chipmunks in Spearfish

Chasing the Devil, Sundance Kid and Chipmunks in Spearfish

Club members got an inside look at beautiful roads to ride and sights to see when members Liz and Doug shared photo and route highlights of their 2,750 mile, 6 day round trip to ride in The Amazing Challenge Spearfish Rally.

"Fanstastic Roads...even Nebraska!"

The presentation took place at the Club's October meeting held Thurs., 10/19 6:30 pm at Jimmy's Charhouse, Elgin, IL.

Liz and Doug shared recommendations of various roads and locations to visit that were part of their route when they rode the Amazing Challenge Rally in June, based out of Spearfish, S.D. in 2023.

One of the highlights mentioned was the Iron Mountain Road 16A which was engineered to give people fantastic views of the Black Hills, Mount Rushmore, and lots of twisties and unique switchbacks.

Liz and Doug road to a number of scenic motorcycle-destination-famous locations through Nebraska, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming and North Dakota.  They enjoyed misty views of Devil's Tower, visited the Sundance Kid's home town where he first became an outlaw, found the geographic center of the United States, and hunted down locations such as a candy store with chubby chipmunks guarding its sweets, to giant buffalo to Carhenge in Nebraska.

The 2024 Amazing Challenge Rally will base out of Canaan Valley West Virginia area.

The Club's November meeting will feature a presentation by CAMP motocamping club out of Chicago.  Check the Events tab for details.