Thursday, Saturday Breakfast Rides are Back!

Thursday, Saturday Breakfast Rides are Back!

Even with the chilly weather of early April, the Club was on the road for Thursday Breakaway Breakfast rides and our traditional pop-up Saturday Breakfast Rides.

Galena, WI, Byron, IL, Pecatonica, IL, Janesville, WI were some of the first locations.

Typically our breakfast rides start at 7:30 a.m. when riders meet at a pre-defined location for those who want to ride as a group.  Typical meet up towns are:

  • Crystal Lake, IL
  • or Huntley, IL

For others, it makes more sense to ride directly to the restaurant and meet the group there.  Generally the group is at the restaurant between 9 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. and home by noon that day.

Breakfast rides are always open to members and non-members alike.  If you'd like to join our email list to be notified, click here.